Friday, August 25, 2017

Mt Warning Ecovillage - Dreamweavers of Deception

Truth On Trial - Part 3
By Gi Linda

I am Gillian Linda Norman, a self-representing co-defendant with the Nimbin GoodTimes in case #2017/00081825, Darwin v Norman, on the Defamation List. The matter is scheduled for second listing on September 15 at NSW Supreme Court before Justice Lucy McCallum. 

The plaintiffs bringing defamation charges are Mark Darwin, Adrian Brennock, Phillip Dixon and Steven McSween, who have now added Mount Warning Eco Village Pty Ltd with a new complaint of “injurious falsehood” requesting orders that this Blog, “Mount Warning Eco Village Scam” be suppressed for causing “possible loss of commercial opportunity”. 
Even before the hearings commenced, Mark Darwin, using his pseudonym “Dummass Boofhead”, had announced victory in advance in a gloating email. “Boofhead”, with characteristic “Ba-ha-ha-ha-ha” signature tune mingled with
scoffing, menacing threats, wrote that Mark Darwin wished to inform me that he was wetting himself with delight because he had arranged for me to be bankrupted and sectioned for psychiatric examination, then intended to grab for himself my Mercedes 4wd.

On August 24, a Notice of Motion by the plaintiffs, made without reasonable notice to me, the respondent, and relying upon “confidential evidence” that I am not permitted to see, requested a Duty Judge to make a summary judgement for removal of this Blog without providing opportunity for defence.

The plaintiffs had kindly filled out for the Judge the appropriate form listing the expected orders, all ready to sign. Unfortunately for Darwin & co, with the matter listed for a 5 minute “directions hearing”
, Justice Button did not make a summary judgement, as requested. Instead, he referred the matter to be heard the following day by Justice McCallum, who manages the defamation list.

This hearing on 25/8/17 was scheduled to last one hour, yet the plaintiffs’ representative, barrister Dauid Sibtain, spent three hours arguing that “injurious falsehood” had occurred with malicious intent, causing the plaintiffs financial distress, therefore the Blogs must be removed. To permit my response to the charges, Justice McCallum scheduled another hearing, the fourth for this case, listed for Friday, September 1st at NSW Supreme Court.

Context to the Claim

I am one of 27 defrauded victims who collectively paid the purchase price for a property at 3222 Kyogle Rd, Mt Burrell, NSW 2484, that has been kept under control of delinquent directors through a Trust improperly executed  by the plaintiffs. 

Investors in the property were defrauded as a result of misleading marketing by the same aspiring “developers” now involved in “Mt Warning Eco Village”. Our story has been reported in several newspapers and is extensively documented in our own online Blogs: 

Most investors in the failed land-share “Community” were not informed that the advertised “home-sites” were located on water catchment land. A report by town planner Darryll Anderson warning that multiple occupancy would not be permitted on that property was hidden from investors in 2015 by project managers Mark Darwin and Adrian Brennock.

In 2016, when we discovered the deception, the “Community” split. Those who demanded accountability were driven off the land without return of investment. Others constructed dwellings and camps, and remained residing on the land in defiance of Council’s demands, until, a year later in 2017, they were forced to comply with Court orders of eviction.

Marketing Lures by Dreamweavers of Deception
After flagrantly betraying the trust of investors who provided the finance for purchase of the Mt Burrell property, Darwin and Brennock expanded their vision to an even bigger “Community”. 

They are now advertising “Mt Warning Eco Village”, on adjoining property owned by Peter Van Lieshout, disavowing their roles and responsibilities as founders of the failed “Bhula Bhula Village Community”.
When my statutory demand for for $120,000 on the company Wollumbin Horizons Pty Ltd, was upheld in Brisbane Federal Court, Adrian Brennock, being self-appointed delinquent director, signed a “contract” with Mt Warning Eco Village Pty Ltd to buy our land for $2.25m, about $1m over market value. 

Brennock then put the company into Voluntary Administration with Vincents Accountants, who are currently assisting the plaintiffs in a "phoenix move" to burn the company, disenfranchise investors and transfer the land asset to their private control.

Disenfranchised purchase money creditors with only an empty beneficial interest in a fraudulent Trust, were informed by Vincents that in order to enable transfer of our property to Mt Warning Eco Village, a deposit was secured by the plaintiffs with “vendor finance” consisting of a $1m mortgage over our land by  Adrian Brennock, delinquent director of the “insolvent” company.  

Mark Darwin, "Creator" at Mt Warning Eco Village

Mt Warning Ecovillage - Misleading Marketing


Mt Warning Eco Village response to a Facebook inquiry:

Hi Craig,
We are expecting for share holders to be able to start building in around august as that’s roughly when DA will be coming through. Shares start at $189k and go up to $325k for 2.5 acres (I acre you can clearable and build on and then you will have a 1.5 acre surrounding that). Pre DA sale price is 20% off so a $300k lot is $240 at the moment, a saving of $60k)”


The plaintiffs claim that appropriate development approval is in place for an existing ecovillage located on property owned by Peter van Lieshout between Mt Burrell and Kungar, NSW, formerly known as “Nightcap Forest”, and that this supposed development consent also extends to several other lots comprising their proposed “Mt Warning Eco Village”, thus validating solicitation of loans and sales of land-share parcels by the plaintiffs.

The claims are misleading: Modified Development Consent DA06/1054.01 was issued in 2011 in association with a 2009 DA06/1054 for a concept plan for Nightcap Village. Annexure A is a submission to Tweed Shire Council dated Jan 2017, from Darrell Anderson, Director, DAC Planning, [formerly Darryl Anderson Consulting], on behalf of Rainmaker Eco Investments Pty Ltd, [one of the companies operated by the plaintiffs]. The submission was intended to obtain Council’s acknowledgement that development was “physically commenced”, and that development approval for “Nightcap Village” did not lapse in 2014. 

The response from Tweed Council does not provide the solicited acknowledgement of active development consent, although it is presented as supporting evidence of “existing development approval” for the proposed “Village”.

In relation to MDA06/1054.01, a carriageway survey was done in 2012. On June 16 2014, several dumpy pegs were placed in the ground to indicate where proposed access road might be situated in a concept plan for Nightcap Village proposed in DA06/1054. The DA was due to lapse on June 29, 2014 for failure of commencement.

In relation to the minimum acceptable activity for an inactive development to be considered “commenced”, s95(4) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act establishes that “Development consent… does not lapse if building, engineering or construction work relating to building, subdivision or work is physically commenced on the land to which the consent applies before the date on which the consent would otherwise have lapsed under this Section.”

Anderson argues that placement of stakes as surveyors’ markers, constitutes commencement of development, even though no actual physical building, engineering or construction work subsequently took place.

According to Tweed Council’s response in Annexure C, Lindsay McGavin, Manager for Development Assessment and Compliance with Tweed Council, says the prospective developers have not satisfied two preconditions, required for initiation of works, and so have failed to comply with necessary conditions for development commencement. Mr McGavin also notes that the supposed work relied upon does not form part of the development consent as amended, and also advises that “Council has no statutory role in confirmation of physical commencement of development.” 

Council has confirmed in direct consultation that a decision as to whether the placing of surveyors’ dumpy pegs in the ground validly constitutes physical commencement is a judgement that can only be made by the Land and Environment Court subsequent to lodgement of a Development Application for Mt Warning Eco Village.

In minutes of a Tweed Shire Council Development Assessment Panel held on May 31, 2017, it is noted that the site has an historic Development Application, DA06/1054, for “Nightcap Village” but “commencement needs to be demonstrated.” The proposed site is also affected by restrictions relating to “drinking water catchment, existing and future water storage facilities.”
It is clear, therefore, that it cannot correctly be said by the plaintiffs that development approval for “Mt Warning Eco Village” or “Nightcap Village” is active, since preconditions to commencement of works have not been fulfilled, and adjudication of the validity of the claimed development has not occurred, and cannot occur prior to submission of a DA application for Mt Warning Eco Village, which has also not occurred.
Response to the Affidavit of Phillip Dixon, Third Plaintiff
My response to
Phillip Dixon' s claim that the following allegations are false:

(a) That Mt Warning Eco Village is a scam — It is factually true and demonstrable with evidence that Dixon, Darwin, Brennock and others have been operating an "intentional" land-share fraud from 2014 until the present.

(b) That no habitation is allowed on the land located at 2924 and 2954 Kyogle Road, Kunghur, NSW. 

The Blogs correctly state that no habitation is allowed on the home-sites currently being advertised and offered for sale. Although under normal circumstances dwelling could be permitted in these areas zoned RU2, in fact, habitation is prohibited on the advertised lots since they are located in environmentally sensitive areas reserved for rainwater catchment.

(c) That there is no development approval granted for Mount Warning Eco Village by Tweed Shire Council — True

(d) That Mount Warning Eco Village’s governance is the same as Wollumbin Horizons Pty Ltd 

Mount Warning Eco Village is run by Mark Darwin, Adrian Brennock, Phillip Dixon, Cherrie Stokes, Martin Maddran and formely Steven and Kelly McSween, who were all involved in  the land-share scam at 3222 Kyogle Rd. Mount Warning Eco Village’s governance also includes landowner Peter van Lieshout, who was not involved in the plaintiffs’ failed Community on the property adjoining his estate.
As co-director of Mount Warning Eco Village with landowner Peter van Lieshaupt and Cherrie Stokes, Phillip Dixon claims that because of the Blogs, four possible loan agreements have fallen through, totaling a commercial loss of $600,000 and putting at risk the plaintiffs’ ability to proceed with a Prospectus and Development Approval for the Land with a further potential commercial loss of over $46,000. This represents feared future loss, but does not prove actual damage.

Phillip Dixon claims Mount Warning Eco Village Pty Ltd is relying on Loan Agreements to purchase our land at 3222 Kyogle Rd, for $1m over market value and complains that the Blogs may jeopardize this attempted phoenix move. His complaint represents feared future loss of commercial opportunity, but does not prove actual damage caused by the Blogs.

Phillip Dixon cites his plans as director of “Cannabis Industries Australia”, (CIA) to establish a cannabis farm and claims he will suffer potential financial loss of $650,000 because of a Blog post which exposes details of the plaintiffs’ fraudulent venture involving sale of shares in a non-existent “Cannabis University” offering to dispense “medical cannabis”.

Phillip Dixon provides no evidence that information conveyed in the Blogs has caused or will cause his possible failure to procure loans, or any other loss of future commercial opportunity.
Response to the Affidavit of Adrian Brennock, Second Plaintiff
The Second Plaintiff, Adrian Brennock, is the self-appointed director and sole shareholder of the company Wollumbin Horizons that owns the land paid for by defrauded investors.
Imputations complained of are significantly true and have been answered in detail in previous defence.
Allegations made against me by Adrian Brennock are false and maliciously defamatory.
The affidavit contains many perjured statements including:
    (a) False accounts of legal proceedings I have brought against the plaintiffs.
    (b) False accounts of the plaintiffs’ dealings with Tweed Council.
    (c) A false account of my Genuine Steps initiative of settlement in the Federal Court.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

New Promises at Mt Warning Eco Village

By Alina Rylko
Northern Star, 12th Aug 2017

A SHARED-living community has been launched adjacent to the collapsed Bhula Bhula Intentional Community on Kyogle Rd, at Mt Burrell.

Mt Warning Eco Village, which has a contract to purchase the adjacent Bhula Bhula site, is marketed on Facebook and via regular tours as an idyllic 3,500 acre property boasting sections of the Tweed River and Byrrill Creek, as well as dams.

Under its central slogan: "Make no mistake, these aren't your daddy's hippy communes", "Do no Harm' is the fundamental rule of the community."

Read more:

Comment by Gi Linda

"If you’re sick of the corporate rat-race, looking for a life-change and dreaming of happy families sharing, caring and growing veggies in harmonious community; if you are all cashed up and a bit credulous, then there are deep blue eyes spinning sweet honey lies with captivating cadence, eager to embrace your life savings in a notorious Mt Burrell property scam."

The Northern Star article "New Promises at Mt Warning Eco Village" is a good infomercial for the notorious Mt Burrell land-share scam.

We see that the "new promises" at Mt Warning Eco Village are the same misleading promises as the deceptive "old promises" offered to investors in the "collapsed Bhula Bhula Intentional Community"

Perhaps the Northern Star wanted to sidestep threats of litigation for potential loss of commercial opportunity caused by publication of two linked stories revealing some of the hurt and heartbreak caused by scamsters Mark Darwin and Adrian Brennock with their "collapsed Bhula Bhula Intentional Community on Kyogle Rd, at Mt Burrell," where "Do no Harm" was supposedly the fundamental rule of their intentionally fraudulent "community"?

The Northern Star fails to report the full picture, in which kingpins Mark Darwin, Adrian Brennock and Phillip Dixon now offer this "idyllic community" in a pirate project, for a second time proposing that a village be built without development approval on land where habitation is not allowed.  

The Norther Star announces: "A SHARED-living community has been launched adjacent to the collapsed Bhula Bhula Intentional Community on Kyogle Rd, at Mt Burrell." But the report omits to advise that there is no development approval for this new "shared-living community".   

Tweed Shire Council director of planning, Vince Connell confirms that no development application was ever submitted for the adjacent "collapsed Bhula Bhula Intentional Community", and no current development approval exists for building dream-homes in the newly launched Mt Warning Eco Village. 

According to Vince Connell, the proposed location of the ecovillage is primarily zoned RU2 Rural Landscape and partly zoned RU5 Village. Under Tweed Local Environmental Plan 2014, the proposed village "appears permissible", subject to filing of a DA application compliant with the provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy.  

However, there exists an August 2018 statutory cut-off for approval of "shared living" developments in the Mt Burrell region. This means the approval process is unlikely to be completed in time since the process of compliance for such a proposed "village" normally takes about two years from the time of application. Council confirms that although discussions of intent have taken place, no active DA exists and no DA application has yet been presented.

Council clarifies that "the site is also affected by the Mapped area for Drinking Water Catchment and the Existing and Future Water Storage Facilities under the LEP, which relates to a long term Council proposal to construct a new dam at nearby Byrill Creek."

The dreamweavers with "New Promises at Mt Warning Eco Village" are spinning the same alluring dreams that they used to entrap investors in the failed "Village Community" on the adjoining property, as they swiftly took more than $1.5 million out of our pockets.  

Two years later, after being driven off the land by Tweed Council, and all "dream homes" demolished, whatever happened to the purchase money creditors who provided the finance to buy the land at the "collapsed Bhula Bhula Intentional Community on Kyogle Rd, at Mt Burrell"? 

Well, we are still "dreaming" of recovering our lost investment in that same pristine paradise, remembering that we were also lured with "new promises" as we were sold empty land-share interests and inspired to build dream-homes with no development approval on protected land where no dwellings are permitted.

"Buyer Be Warned!   Mount Warning Eco Village is a fresh face and a different name for an old “bait-n-switch” toxic snake-oil game! 

 For more details of the land-share scam please see:
Mount Warning Eco Village — A Warning 


Friday, August 18, 2017

Blog Administration: Mount Warning Eco Village Scam

By  Free Radical

Two blogs, Mount Warning Eco Village Scam and The Truth About Truthology have been administered by Free Radical on behalf of the Group of Investors Defrauded by Darwin.

Mark Darwin & co have reacted to these blogs, bringing an urgent Notice of Motion listed at Sydney Supreme Court for Thursday August 24, seeking orders to force removal of these blogs, with prevention of publication of similar material.

On June 21, Darwin & co withdrew a similar previous urgent injunction, made to the Supreme Court on grounds that they are losing sales of shares in Mt Warning Eco Village as a result of potential victims apparently doing better due diligence after reading the blogs. 

The intimidating claim was withdrawn after two hearings before Justice MCallum in which their conflicting and perjured affidavits were examined. An amended claim against myself and the Nimbin GoodTimes is listed for a fourth hearing on September 14 at Sydney Supreme Court.

Since 2014, it has been the habitual pattern of Darwin & Co to isolate and menace those who attempt to hold them accountable or expose their scam. As a result of their abuse of legal process as a tool of intimidation, Free Radical has passed administration to the collective control of the "Group of Investors Defrauded by Darwin", together with a "Group of Concerned Neighbours," who are independent observers of the ongoing scam. 

Because, for more than two years, we have been deceived and defrauded, threatened, harassed and intimidated by Mark Darwin and cohorts, admin of this blog will remain anonymous, and will now be managed by several individuals represented collectively by the pseudonym "Ven.Cera." 

Vencerá: By Truth, Justice Prevails! 

"Vencerá", of Portuguese etymology, is the first and third-person infinitive and future subjunctive of the Portuguese verb "vencer", derived from vincĕre, the inspiring present active infinitive of the Latin vincō, meaning "to defeat the enemy, to overcome, to conquer, to win."

We invite you to contact us directly for more information about our experiences with "Bhula Bhula Village Community" and "Mount Warning Eco Village"; both ventures being "dream castles" built on sand by Mark Darwin and Adrian Brennock, who, without development approval, continue advertising opportunities for "ethical investment" in the purchase of shares... to acquire unapproved home sites on environmentally protected land where habitation is not permitted.

With deep appreciation and gratitude to everyone who has supported those of us who lost our life savings, our inheritances, our homes, hopes and dreams in this "village community" fiasco. 

We hope our warning, will help potential victims to be better informed of the land-share scam, and so avoid the hurt, harm and loss that we have suffered.

Free Radical

Contact us: 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Mountains of WARNING!

Mark Darwin, co-founder Bhula Bhula
Beware of Mt Warning Eco Village
By BubbleBurst.

Hi there,

I am one of the defrauded investors and unfortunately I know the situation too well. My WARNING is beware of Mt (mountains of) Warning Eco Village. 

This is my opinion of the situation.....the men behind BHULA BHULA & now Mt WARNING (!!!) Eco village are professionals (but not the kind of professionals that I would recommend)....& this is what they do for both a living & fun. 

They target a demographic, look at what makes them tick & sell them a dream based on their ideals.....purely to rip them is not an honest business transaction....though they sell it under this guise. 
Darwin & Brennock play this game so much & have mastered it to the point that they now believe they are above the law. 

They use front men who put their arses on the line so legally Darwin & Brennock don't lose. 

While many criticize us who fell into the claws of these deceptive stories, I would point out that some of us actually have never  before experienced such screwed up psychopaths and we actually trust people! 

Darwin & Brennock used a respected community law a cover. Now this Lawyer has been left in a quandary as the company is subjected to unexpected & unappreciated fallout. 

Many normal, decent people have been left penniless because of these men....but this is not a problem for them, as they aim to continue their 'sales' to a new set of unexpecting victims....

It's a game of cat and mouse, bait and switch & ponzi til you drop....

So the WARNING is....tell your friends & run... 


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Mark Darwin - "Scammer"

  Mark Darwin "Scammer"
Mark Darwin "Scammer"
Comment by a Concerned Neighbour:

"Mark Darwin - So many lies! People who 'invested' in Bhula Bhula have not received their money back. The Land and Environment Court on behalf of the council stopped you at Bhula Bhula and now you are doing the same thing on different land under the name of Mount Warning Eco Village. You are a scammer."

Monday, August 14, 2017

Living A Nightmare

Failed Community Leaves Families Broke

Defrauded family - the Kirkwoods

Read more:

Open Letter to the Editor

To: Editor, Tweed Daily News
Re: "Living a Nightmare" - Request for correction
From: Gi Linda

Thank you for covering this story, I hope the warning will save many people from loss and harm, but, as one of the defrauded investors in the community featured in Alina Rylko's "Living a Nightmare", I'm disappointed with her report. Perhaps a "poor victim" tearjerker sells better than more complex truth, but "Living in a Nightmare" misses the real story!

I’m a former BBC reporter and independent documentary filmmaker working on social justice issues. Alina phoned me for a quote, saying she was past deadline with only moments to talk about criminal charges I am bringing against the kingpins running the scam and the mega-million-dollar defamation charges they have brought against me for exposing their fraud. As a professional journalist I'm sorry to say that your reporter either ignored what I said, or didn't listen.

I would like to request a correction, including the following facts:

The fraudulent "Bhula Bhula" venture was a set-up by Mark Darwin and Adrian Brennock to sell home sites on land protected for rainwater catchment, where no dwelling is permitted. Some investors knew no development approval would be granted, but were encouraged to take the risk, so they fought council for a year in court, and lost. Others, misled by Darwin's dreamweavers, were not told of environmental restrictions.

I was deceived by dishonest marketing. In 2015, Mark Darwin was inviting participation in a progressive community as an escape from a dysfunctional society on the brink of collapse. I have lived several years in successful self-sufficient communities that were built on Christian principles of love, truth and justice. I hoped this new community, founded by Darwin and Brennock under a banner of "Truthology", would uphold integrity. 

In 2015, on the basis of false assurances and mistaken trust, I invested $120,000 for a 3-acre site to build a garden, not a home, before realizing I had bought into a scam.

I soon saw that Darwin and Brennock had formed a tightly controlled Sovereignty Cult, attempting to establish a pirate community on land where no habitation is allowed, by hiding known environmental restrictions from investors.

Defrauded investors who woke up to the scam and requested restitution were threatened, harassed and defamed. We were rejected from the “community” without return of our money and driven off the land with gag orders. I refused to leave without return of my investment, so they smashed my garden, stole my mobile home and belongings, then charged me for "cleanup".

Adrian Brennock, the delinquent fiduciary, controls the company owning our land. As self-appointed director and sole shareholder with a single share value $1,  Brennock is currently attempting to crash the company, burn investors and buy back the land for the private commercial profit of the Darwin/Brennock Sovereignty Cult.

To achieve this phoenix move, on July 7th, Brennock took a $1m loan on the company he claimed was insolvent, to pay their front company, Mt Warning Eco Village Pty Ltd, to purchase the land for $1m over market value!

Together with other defrauded investors, I publish an online blog exposing this scam, and have brought criminal charges of fraud and larceny against Darwin & Co in a private prosecution pressing for restitution and retribution. I am also litigating against them in Sydney Supreme Court for defamation.

A warning! Darwin, Brennock & Phillip Dixon have now expanded their scam to "Mount Warning Eco Village" on a neighboring property, where they continue selling dream home-sites on environmentally protected land. It’s their brazen audacity that stands out; as they menace disenfranchised investors into silence, they continue selling fake dreams in a failed community on land where dwelling is forbidden. As more and more defrauded investors are spat out, new victims are needed, so buyer be warned, before your dreams disappear into the back-pocket of a slick stranger’s snakeskin pants...